Apex Learning

315 5th Ave S # 600 SeattleWA98104

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Apex Learning is one of the leading providers of secondary education curriculum services in the United States. Founded in 1999, the company serves more than 4,000 school districts and over 600,000 students. It offers several classroom-based programs and distance learning and online courses. Apex Learning provides high school courses in math, science, English and social studies. The company also...
by addresses on October 21, 2017 from addresses

Information from the business

Apex Learning is the leading provider of blended and virtual learning solutions to the nation's schools.
by localcom on January 08, 2015 from localcom
Apex Learning is one of the leading providers of secondary education curriculum services in the United States. Founded in 1999, the company serves more than 4,000 school districts and over 600,000 students. It offers several classroom-based programs and distance learning and online courses. Apex Learning provides high school courses in math, science, English and social studies. The company also...
by yellowpages on June 20, 2011 from yellowpages