Piano Lessons in Riverside, Piano Lessons in Moreno Valley, Dr.Alma Batista teaches private lessons in Riverside and Moreno Valley California. Start or continue lessons with a professional pianist. Offering a complete music education.
Start or continue piano lessons with asupportive and professional pianist.I teach all ages and styles from beginning to College and Conservatorylevels. You will learn music notation, theory, musichistory, music appreciation, ear training and piano technique. I can also provide music for special occasions, gatherings, weddings, receptions, and accompanying services for singers and other...
Piano Lessons from a professional concert pianist.I teach all ages, levels and styles. Over 25 years experience teaching private and group lessons.
Piano Lessons With Dr. Alma Batista
Lessons Scheduled by Appointment.
Music Arranger
Concert Pianist
Piano Lessons
Music Store
Music Instruction
Piano Lessons In Riverside
Saturday Lessons At Moreno Valley Location.
Private Lessons
Dr. Alma Batista