Evergreen Electric

5549 Brickyard Ct GarnerNC27529

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Our business is our livelihood but it is also so much more. Evergreen Electric was started to fill in a void in the current market and to make a business that the people of Garner and surrounding areas can place their trust in. Over the years we have never lost our commitment to our clients and that is what has allowed us to succeed in a very competitive industry. We stand committed to our...
by merchantcircle on August 04, 2017 from merchantcircle

Information from the business

Service Charge: $75 includes first hour + diagnostic *We do not service appliances, or store bought plug-in lamps Make sure your home is fully functional with electrical repair and surge protection services from Evergreen Electric Inc. in Garner, North Carolina. We protect you and your assets. New Electrical Installation We install electrical systems for new construction, additions, and any...
by judysbook on April 25, 2013 from judysbook