We are a luxury boarding resort and grooming spa for cats only. Our guest suites are designed to fit our guests' needs for comfort, safety, and cleanliness. Our playroom is designed for play and exercise with sisal scratching poles, cat trees and a catio for bird and squirrel watching. Observation of the outdoors is available throughout our boarding facility. Music, TV and playing with our...
Solid Gold Cat Foods
Nail Clips
Safari Grooming Products
World's Best Cat Litter
Cat Grooming Houston
Whole Life Freeze Dried Chicken Treats
Pet Grooming
Cat Boarding Houston
Soft Claws Application
Natura Pet Products
With loving care for kitties, Fat Cat Flats is a Cats Only Luxury Boarding & Grooming Resort serving Houston Cats since 1999.
Our Grooming Staff offer Lion Cuts, Tummy Shaves, Baths, Defleas, Combouts, Fanny Clips and Soft Claws Applications. We board both single and multicat households with playtime and petting by our staff. We have gifts for Cat Lovers & Supplies for their Cat