Johnson Auction Service Inc located at 147 Flaugherty Run Rd in Moon Township, PA services vehicles for Auto Repair. Call (724) 457-1100 to book an appointment or to hear more about the services of Johnson Auction Service Inc.
Established 30 years ago servicing Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Beaver County, Butler County, & surrounding areas. Member of The Pennsylvania Auction Association, National Auction Association, Auction Marketing Institute Graduate, Master Personal Property Appraiser, Real Estate License Lynda K. Johnson & Mark Giles have over 50 years of combined experience, including over 3, 000+ auctions of...
Lynda K. Johnson & Mark Giles have over 50 years of combined experience, including over 3,000+ auctions of estate assets, co...nsignments, business liquidations, classic automobiles and real estate transactions. The Johnson Auction Service (JAS) solution provides clients: An impartial medium to serve as arbitrator between seller and buyer Lynda and Mark's extensive education, experience, and...
ABOUT OUR BUSINESS We are committed to providing a quality experience to assist sellers in increasing their monetary returns, to provide an honest and professional transaction and to provide buyers and sellers with quality choices. JAS is a full-service company conducting on-site and off-site oral/live auctions. Utilizing the latest technology via a computerized clerking and cashiering system...