Legacy Christian Academy


Cornerstone Christian School has been serving the educational needs of students since 1993. It offers classes in pre-kindergarten through grade eight. The school s curriculum includes classes in English, math, vocabulary, reading, spelling and science. Cornerstone Christian School is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International. The school is located in Caseyville, Ill.
by addresses on October 18, 2017 from addresses

Information from the business

Call about our discountseducating for eternitythrough truth and excellence through truth and excellence204680attr:christianbible schoolchristian schoolfaith-based schoolkindergartenpreschool
by localcom on February 14, 2015 from localcom
Legacy Christian Academy is located at the address 111 S 2nd St in Caseyville, Illinois 62232. They can be contacted via phone at (618) 345-9571 for pricing, hours and directions.

Legacy Christian Academy has an annual sales volume of 501K - 999,999. .For more information go to www.legacychristianacademy.info

Legacy Christian Academy provides Workshops, Lunches, Birthdays to it's customers....
by chamberofcommerce on September 10, 2014 from chamberofcommerce
Educating for Eternity Through Truth and Excellence.

Legacy Christian Academy is a Christian school located in Caseyville serving the entire Metro East area. Serving grades Kindergarten through 9th, their mission is to educate and develop the whole person for the glory of God. We provide: *Christ Centered Education *Excellent Academic Curriculum *Art *Music *Computers Established in 1993,...
by localcom on August 21, 2014 from localcom
Legacy Christian Academy exists to provide a Biblically based, well-rounded, quality education in a loving environment. According to Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus is the ultimate authority. We are here to make disciples of all nations, through the teaching of our students and the partnership with the home.

LCA was started through the commitment of prayer by a few faithful families. For this school...
by facebook on May 19, 2014 from facebook