Pasadena Police Jail

207 N Garfield Ave PasadenaCA91101

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Robin Stinson the Horrible Example for All:
Robin Dawn Stinson - Corporal Pasadena Police Department Criminal Investigations 207 n Garfield Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101. This is an honest review of Robin Dawn Stinson. Who on this green earth ever ever thought to hire Robin Dawn Stinson as any kind of investigator. Robin Dawn Stinson takes things way out of proportion. Robin Dawn Stinson is not the best example of honesty. Robin Dawn Stinson will lie to you and make you believe things that in reality are not true. Please do not promote Robin Dawn Stinson. She makes the Pasadena Police Department really look bad by her bad decision making in making cases out of things that really should not even be mentioned. I mean I can see if a person does things repeadiately, but once and all of a sudden you have to file a case number? Robin Dawn Stinson really should never ever be promoted, given any kind of extra work, and should be looked down on by her fellow officers for her bad decision making. Robin Dawn Stinson cant even recognize a court worker from a normal person on the street. I feel that a court person should be given more headway than a regular citizen. Robin Dawn Stinson is not the best example of how to make a good decision. Robin Dawn Stinson should not ever be given any extra hours, she should not be given any kind of special assignments, and she should never ever be promoted to be anything than a desk clerk or maybe foot patrol. Her decision making in charging people with the most mundane things like a simple telephone call, especially when the other person is harassing the person as well, she will make a bad decision to do things not according to how they should be done. Robin Dawn Stinson of the Pasadena police department is not what I would call the best example of anything, but in essence should really be demoted and seriously looked at concerning work and how to make decisions in the workplace. Robin Dawn Stinson is not the best officer at this department and really the other officers should look down on Robin Down Stinson. Robin Dawn Stinson is a horrible example of how to handle a matter and I feel that she is prejudice against men and takes advantage of them. I feel that a man should handle man cases and a woman should deal strictly with woman. Why is a woman overseeing my case and I am a man and at that makes the most horrible decisions that one would ever want to experience. Robin Dawn Stinson shows favoritism and should definitely be considered to be seriously examined when it comes to her files that she is somehow responsible for. How is it even possible that she can even be called a decision maker when all her decisions appear to be biased and unethical. DO NOT PROMOTE ROBIN DAWN STINSON AT THIS PASADENA POLICE DEPARTMENT. ROBIN DAWN STINSON IS THE WORST IN THE BUSINESS AND HER DECISION MAKING IS FULL OF LIES AND TRIES TO MISLEAD PEOPLE IN THINKING THINGS. ROBIN DAWN STINSON SHOULD NEVER EVER TWIST HER MOUTH TO THINK THAT SHE EVER MAKES A GOOD DECISION. No one in this police department that is of course a good officer and good example of how to deal with the public should look to Robin Dawn Stinson for any kind of an example, honor or promotion. Robin Dawn Stinson should b e considered seriously for desk duty only like a cadet or less than that. STAY AWAY FROM ROBIN DAWN STINSON. YOU WILL ONLY BE LEFT WITH DISSAPOINTMENT AND A UTTER REVOLTING FEELING INSIDE.!!!!!!! DO NOT GO NEAR ROBIN DAWN STINSON. STAY FAR FAR AWAY IN FACT RUN FROM ROBIN DAWN STINSON. RUN FAR AWAY AND STAY AWAY FROM HER LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!
by Daphnies2015 on February 21, 2015