Plain Ivey Jane


Jane Plain Ivey was founded in 2010. The company is located in Austin and incorporated in Texas. Jane Plain Ivey specializes in Women's Clothing Stores. Jane Plain Ivey has 2 employees and estimated revenues of $110,000.00.
by dandb on September 07, 2015 from dandb


Plain Ivey Jane was founded on a pretty genius product principle: Overstock, high-end clothing at discount prices. The style here tends to be a young "ladies who lunch" one, with bright-colored dresses and tasteful little skirts.
by Citysearch on January 31, 2014 from Citysearch

Editorial Reviews

Plain Ivey Jane was founded on a pretty genius product principle: Overstock, high-end clothing at discount prices. The style here tends to be a young "ladies who lunch" one, with bright-colored dresses and tasteful little skirts.
by Tolly Moseley on January 13, 2013 from Citysearch

Information from the business

Parking- street, AMLI garage, City Hall garage
by facebook on January 28, 2013 from facebook