U Save Power Equipment

9370 MacArthur Boulevard OaklandCA94605

Open Map


U-Save Power Equipment is a family-owned and operated company specializing in power equipment service and repairs for individuals and businesses for our neighbors in the greater Oakland community. We have been in business since 1984 and are certified, experienced, and ready to earn your business for several years to come! Our goal is to give our customers complete satisfaction since the day we first opened our doors. Give our team a call or stop by our shop today for more information.
by on August 29, 2024

Information from the business


Weed Cutters
Lawn Mowers
Leaf Vacuums
Authorized Honda and Others
SE Habla Espanol
Back Blowers
Compost Shredders
Honda Engines & Transmissions
by yasabe on April 05, 2014 from yasabe
U Save Power Equipment specializes in power equipment service and repairs for individuals and businesses throughout the greater Oakland, Calif., community.BACH BLOWERSECHOOPEN 6 DAYSSALESSE HABLA ESPANOLSALESSE HABLA ESPANOL133860ATTR:SERVICE133880ATTR:REPAIRSEQUIPMENT REPAIRLAWN MOWERSLAWN MOWERS SHARPENING & REPAIRING
by localcom on April 05, 2014 from localcom
* Chain Saws * Lawn Mowers * Vacuums * Weed Cutters * Generators * Backpack Blowers * Compost Shredders * And More * Open 6 Days
by yellowpages on February 12, 2014 from yellowpages
* Chain Saws* Lawn Mowers* Vacuums* Weed Cutters* Generators* Backpack Blowers* Compost Shredders* And More* Open 6 Days\n\n* Sales* Repairs* Parts* SharpeningBRAND* Honda* Toro* Echo* Stihl* Husqvarna* Snapper* Tanaka* Shindaiwa
by insiderpages on May 28, 2012 from insiderpages